1945 Gardena Ave. Glendale, CA 91204

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1945 Gardena Ave.
Glendale, CA 91204

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get inspired form out loyal customers

Declan S.

I recently had an awesome experience at Used Cars For Sale By Owner, the owner of the car I was interested in was exceptional in helping me find more details about the car, and answered all of my questions. This is my second time I purchased from here, and totally not the last one. I highly recommend it to anyone looking for a high quality used vehicle.

June 12th 2016
Milo L.

Thank You Used Cars ForSaleByOwner and all who were involved in the selling-buying process. I just got my first car and I am totally happy with it. I wasn't expecting to find such a good car at such a low price anytime soon, but you exceed all my expectations.

Sep 3rd 2015
Aurora C.

I had the pleasure of selling a car from here, from the moment I found this site I realized I'm gonna find something good and cheap, and I was right. The car I purchased is in immaculate condition and it perfectly fits my needs.

Feb 24th 2016
Are you looking for a best place to sell cars and trucks by owner online? Our website is here to help you not just find a reliable used car to buy for cheap, but also allows you to sell all cars you don't need anymore with our platform's help, without any fees or registration payment. You are more than welcome to contact us, ask questions about best used cars to buy , most reliable used cars , old cars , modified cars for sale , car lots you are interested in, and tell us what would you like to see more at our car website . We are waiting for you at our Used Cars ForSaleByOwner , and will solve your problems relating to placing, editing or removing your used car ad and to find the cars on sale matching your needs and possibilities. Send us an email, contact us by phone, or via life chat.